Well Boys and Girls this chapter of Love & Hip Hop has FINALLY come to an end.
Here's the wrap up.

Kimbella came down the with Emily B syndrome. She found out Juelz Santana isn't as loyal as she wants him to be, SHOCKER. Oh and she is pregnant with another baby Santana!. It seems like everyone is getting pregnant, remind me not to drink the water. Anywho Kim she is still crying every episode, nonetheless I like her as an addition to the show.

(this picture is of her pregnant with her second child)
The artist formely known as Olivia turned down a record deal. Her manager Rich is pissed and said he is basically done tricking on her. She finally wrote that damn emotional song that EVERY producer has been telling her to do. That's about it. I like Olivia as an artist, she just thinks she is way more relevant then what she really is. I really want to know what she did (or didn't do) to make Fifty and his gangster unit thug rappers blackball her in the industry.

Somaya. Where in the world is Somaya Reece? She tweeted a picture of her looking amazing. Other than that only God knows.

Somaya at the reunion show
Yandy is still crying over spoiled milk and not understanding why Jim wont respond to her tired emails. (yawn)

No word on Teairra Marie or Erica Mena but to my knowledge they both have music projects in the works.
-And thats all folks.
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